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Writer's pictureRaoul

Here's how to be absent at work without worry

Whether it will be a day off for personal business or a period of weeks to recover from a medical procedure, you want to do what you have to do without worrying about your job. Here's how to plan:

* Give as much notice as possible. As soon as you know about nonemergency surgery or a trip you need to make, put the word out to your boss.

* If you have an accident or an emergency without previous warning, be very honest about how long you will be away from work.

* Tell your boss all you know about the nature of your illness and give an estimate of time needed that includes all the time you will need to recover.

* When you know you will be away for vacation or another planned absence, do all you can to make it easier on your co-workers. Offer to train your substitute or your replacement if you will not be returning.

* Trouble-shoot the transition. Tie up loose ends. Finish, or give directions on how to finish projects.

* Consider doing some work at home if that is an option for you.

* If your absence will be unpaid, find out if you are eligible for union benefits, welfare funds or temporary Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

After taking these steps you will be able to relax and get well, or go on your vacation, without damaging your good image at work.

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